Washing hair properly?

Are you washing your hair properly?

My way was just putting a whole load of shampoo inside the palm of my hands and massaging it on my scalp and all through my hair to the roots. There are days if I oiled my hair I would double wash. Yes sounds silly but I thought I was doing it right to take out the oils and any dirt etc. Well since i new there was a correct way of washing your hair properly ( which meant i was doing it wrong, unfortunately, well overdoing it really) I stopped and changed the way k wash my hair.

Let me break it down to you, the simple and easy way so we all are doing it the correct way without damaging our hair or scalp.

Comb your hair

Before washing or jumping into the shower. Using a detangler, comb or brush ( whatever suits your hair) comb hair so it's easy for shampoo and conditioner to glide through, no knots and dry better.


Wash hair twice a week. Don't do it every day as this damages hair strands and scalp. Even if you have thin hair and feel your hair is greasy quick, wash it three times a week max. Using warm water not hot water as we don't realise while having a hot shower that the hair is being washed with steaming hot water.
Use a good amount. Not too much or too small. Massage into your scalp and hair for few minutes.
Massage shampoo into hair gently using your fingers not nails. Just gently to help stimulate and get the blood flow running in your scalp this also helps with natural hair growth. Rinse off with warm water and if possible finish the last wash with cold water.


Again a nice amount of conditioner, not too much or too less. Apply all over the tips and roots. Not your scalp. Say midways of your hair and let that sit in your hair for 5 minutes so the conditioner can do its job. Once washed off with cold water. Dry or blow dry your hair with your towel.

Blow dry?

Let your hair naturally dry. Blow drying and heat damage the hair strands and even dry out scalp area. Avoid as much as you can unless you have the days where you need to dry style and out no problem.

Once a week treatments.

Use good oils to sit in hair at least once a week or even hot oil treatments. This will help shine and healthy hair.

Use the correct Shampoo and Conditioner

Now, this is important use the right find or hair care products for your hair. Just like skin hair needs the correct hair. If you have dry frizzy hair use products that nourish moisture and good for dry hair. Again same when choosing conditioners.

These are simple and. A very effective way to maintain and keep your hair care strong.

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