Ramadan Skin Care

Have you been keeping up with your Skin Care regime?
Have you changed it up in any way?
Do you need to bother with Skin Care this Month?

So many questions regarding Skin Care during Ramadan but the answer is simple. YES you need to look after your Skin during this Month. Its more important to continue your Skin regime and work around fasting to keep up with drinking water and hydrating your inner and outer Body. I put out a poll on my Instagram few days back and I couldn't believe more then 60% said they have not been bothered with their Skin during this Month.

I know how hard fasting gets specially when the hours are very long and you have such less sleep e.t.c. However it can be done and you can maintain your Skin Care. Work around timings that work for you.

Here's how I keep up with my current Skin Care and can happily say my Skin looks and feels great even though fasting can be draining and very tiring.

Morning Face

Once I wake up, doesn't matter what time it is 7am or 11.30am. Basically anytime I get up and start my day. When brushing my teeth, I finish off by washing my face with a simple face wash. Just by washing you face that's the first step to basic Skin Care. Some days I double wash my Skin yes that means I use the face wash twice. Just feels amazing when you double wash as it really cleans your Skin well. After towel drying my face I go in with my everyday moisturiser - Astral. You can use any preferred moisturiser. Honestly two simple steps like this in the morning, face wash and moisturiser changes your Skin.

Night Face

This is very simple. Face wash then in with a good Oil. I am using Bio oil as it really helps my dry Skin and feels very hydrating with out feeling sticky. Once again very simple steps. Just doing a basic morning and night routine keeps your Skin Game strong.

Weekly face masks or just daily moisturising e.g after every Salah using cream or oil on face. ( That's actually a good way to keep up with lots of moisturising ) These are just additional Skin care add on which can be skipped during this month as its easily forgotten or some may find hard to keep up with. I highly recommend you do the basic morning and night Skin Care and you will see that your Skin feels and looks good. Don't forget to drink plenty of water after opening your fast. This can be done in sips if it makes you feel sick trying to drink so much in one go.

Hope everyone's Ramadan is going well  xx

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